Friday 7 July 2017

Whole School Picnic. Week Ending: 7.7.17


On Monday we took part in the Music Festival and it was lovely to sing along with other schools. 

Today we designed Maui Catches the Sun pictures as we will be using some of these for our production programmes. 
We also had our whole school picnic outside which was great fun.

As a treat we dipped our toes in the paddling pool and we sat down together whilst eating an ice lolly. 

We can't wait to show you our Maui Catches the Sun performance next week. Please make sure costumes come into school on Monday in a named carrier bag as we will be doing a dress rehearsal. 

We have been finishing off our David Hockney art work and this will be on display on Opening Evening which is on Monday 10th 5-7 pm. You will also be able to see the large animals that each year group have decorated. 

Well done to Kara for her positive attitude. 

Don't forget that this evening it is the Junior School disco. Please also send in your reply slip which was in your child's report envelope with a comment. Thank you.

Chestnut Class


  1. hello chestnut class,
    on Friday I liked having all the classes for a picnic I hade a nice week

  2. I liked my ice lolly and dipping my feet in the paddling pool. I loved doing my Maui catches the sun poster. I also liked the music festival especially singing the wasp song.🐝
