Friday 25 November 2016

Trip to Tesco. Week Ending: 25.11.16

This week in maths we have been learning about multiplication. We have been using different strategies to solve multiplication number sentences. “You could use an array” Theo. “You could draw pictures of groups” Tori – Mae, “You could use repeated addition” Edrich.

 In Creative Writing we imagined we were in a glass elevator. As we opened the doors we came up with our own imaginative ideas about where we were. We thought about our senses- what we could see, hear, smell, touch and taste.

During our Gym session we focused on how to hold different balances whilst on the equipment. Have a look at our Year 2 photos to see our balances.

On Wednesday afternoon we visited Tesco to find out a little bit more about where food comes from. We challenged ourselves to try different foods. 

With Mrs McLellan we made butter during our Science investigation session. We have been finding out about explanations and we read an explanation on how to create butter and then we had a go at doing it ourselves.

This morning we read the story ‘The Selfish Crocodile’ and we thought about how our behaviour can affect others. We came up with some strategies for the crocodile to use to mend his friendships.

 Congratulations to Ollie who will be taking Snowy home this weekend. Ollie answered some great questions and shared his knowledge brilliantly this week.

Well done to George who is our Star of the Week for being a supportive friend.

Don’t forget tomorrow it is the Christmas Bazaar. We look forward to seeing you. The Christmas Bazaar starts at 11am.

Chestnut Class

Friday 18 November 2016

Stripes and Spots. Week Ending: 18.11.16


Today we have come to school wearing stripes and spots because we are raising money for Children in Need. Some of us also made eye patches for our teddies. Have a look at our class photos.

In maths we have been learning about money. We handled different coins and tried to make different values. Have a go this weekend at using some coins to pay for something. Can you work out how much change you should receive?

This week we have been learning about nocturnal animals. We used our research from last week to create a non - chronological report. 

In gym we practised our jumps on the equipment. " It is important to bend your knees when you land from a jump." (Trudie)

On Thursday it was World Philosophy Day. We read the book 'Zoo' by Anthony Browne. We had a discussion about whether it is right or wrong for animals to be kept in a zoo. What do you think?

We have been finishing our Christmas decorations and these will be on sale at the Christmas Bazaar.

On a Thursday and Friday morning the library will be open from 8:30am- 8:45am. Please visit to share and borrow some books.

Congratulations to Ciara who is our Star of the Week for being  lovely caring friend. She has offered to help children with their tricky coat zips this week.

Well done Tori - Mae who is taking home Snowy the Learning Owl. Tori - Mae demonstrated some lovely caring and sharing today with a friend.

We hope you have a good weekend.

Chestnut Class

Friday 11 November 2016

Remembrance Day. Week Ending: 11.11.16


In maths this week we have been exploring different fractions. We have been shading fractions of a shape and also finding 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3 of a number. 

We have been studying nocturnal animals in English. "A female fox is called a Vixen" (Theo) "A badger can eat around 100 worms a night." (Teddy)   "Hedgehogs have about 5000 to 6500 spines at any one time" (Holly) We have been gathering our own research because next week we are going to be writing our own non - chronological report about nocturnal animals.

In history we found out about the past and Remembrance Day. At school today we had 2 minutes silence at 11 o'clock to remember the people who died during the war. We have been buying poppies at school and recording facts about Remembrance Day in our own way. Some of us created a mind map, some made poems and others created their own prayers. 

During PSHE we spoke about World Kindness Day. We shared examples of how we have received kindness and also experiences about being kind to others. World Kindness Day is happening on the 12th November. What will you do as a kind act? We have set ourselves challenges. 

We have been using our sewing skills during topic. We are busy creating Christmas tree decorations ready to sell at the Christmas Bazaar!

Congratulations to Oliver who is taking home Snowy the learning owl for showing great independence skills this week. 

Well done to Bertie who is our Star of the Week for his brilliant team work skills. 

Friday 4 November 2016

Rocket Diary! Week Ending: 4.11.16


This week in Topic we have been researching events from the past. We have been finding out about the Gunpowder plot. "Guy Fawkes tried to blow up King James I using gunpowder" Teddy.

In Maths we have been learning about 2D shapes and 3D shapes. A 2D shape is a shape that is flat and cannot be picked up. " A cube has 8 vertices, 12 edges and 6 square faces" (Theo and Leyton) 

We became rockets and fireworks in dance. We used our bodies and movements to create firework shapes and patterns. We performed our movements to music.

Today we wrote a rocket diary in creative writing. We imagined how it would feel to become a firework and we wrote a diary entry about this. We also create our own acrostic poem.

Flaming fireworks
I saw some fireworks
Racing rockets
Everyone is watching
Whoooooosh went the firework
Orange flames are flying out of the back of a rocket
Red rockets racing like a shooting star
Keep your hands in your coat pockets to keep them warm
Sizzling when they start

Well done to Simeon who is our Star of the Week for always being a king and caring friend.

Congratulations to Sharon. Sharon will be taking Snowy our Learning Owl home this weekend.

We hope you have a good weekend. If you visit any firework displays remember to stay safe, stay with your grown up and be sensible.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Welcome Chestnut Class!


Welcome to our Chestnut Class blog. We have been in Year 2 for 7 weeks now. Our topic this term is 'Brilliant Books'. We have enjoyed sharing our favourite stories with our friends.

We will update our blog each week to let you know what we have been up to and how we will be taking our learning forwards.

Chestnut Class