Friday 31 March 2017

Happy Easter! Week Ending: 31.3.17


Today we are finishing school at 1:30 pm as it is the start of the Easter Holidays. 

In RE we have been learning about how Christians celebrate Easter.

"We found out that Jesus died on Good Friday" Michael.
"Jesus rose again on Easter Sunday" Lexi

This week we have been busy making Easter cards for our friends and family. Today we took part in an Easter egg hunt.

We have been working so hard with our learning this term and we earn't our 30th marble so we had a special treat. 

It has been great fun this week to show off our learning, using lots of different strategies and methods. 

Scooter training was great fun- have a look at the photos on our website. 

The Easter home learning challenge is to have a go at the Crazy Cress Competition. Remember to bring your entries back into school on Tuesday 18th April. 

Star of the Week is going to Sara for her risk taking during scooter training. 

We hope you all have a lovely Easter.

Chestnut Class

Friday 24 March 2017

Chestnut's Sharing Assembly! Week Ending: 24.3.17


Today is it Red Nose Day so we have come to school wearing something red and some of us are wearing funny noses! 

Money has been our focus this week in maths. We have been handling coins and using different coins to create different values. We also have been working out change.
Home Learning this week is to practise using your money vocabulary and to handle coins. 

Today we wrote instructions on how to make a safari vehicle. We are going to give our instructions to Year 1 to see if they can make their own vehicle. 

"We loved doing our sharing assembly because we all think we did well" Florence
"We like our sharing assembly because we get to share our learning with the rest of the school and our family" Holly.B
"We thought it was fantastic because everyone said their line clearly" Leyton.

Today we said goodbye to Edrich. We wish Edrich and his family all the best. Don't forget to leave a comment on our blog to let us know how you are getting on Edrich! 

Congratulations to Charlotte who will be taking home Snowy the Learning Owl. Charlotte listens to instructions well and always perseveres. 

This week our Star of the Week is Trudie for taking greater risks with her learning,

Friday 17 March 2017

DT Week! Week Ending: 17/3/17

In Year 2 we have had a DT Week. We labelled the parts of a vehicle, like the chassis, axle, axle holders, wheels and body.

Then we drew a design for our own vehicles. 

The best bit was making the vehicle. We used junk moddeling to create the body. Please continue to bring in boxes as we will be finishing these off next week.

During English we became authors. We listened to the story 'Were Going on a Bear Hunt'. We used these ideas to create our own story of 'We're Going on an Elephant Hunt'.

Today our lines were sent home so we can practise these over the weekend ready for our sharing assembly next Friday. 

Today we had a Colourful Day at school as our topic is Kaleidoscope. 

Don't forget tonight is Film Night.

Well done to Edrich who is taking home Snowy this weekend for his listening skills.

Good job Alex, who is our Star of the Week for taking responsibility for his learning.

Friday 10 March 2017

A Great Week! Week Ending: 10.3.17

In Maths this week we have been doing the inverse of multiplication which is division. We have used sharing strategies and arrays to solve division number sentences and division word problems.

This week in English we read the story 'The Hunter'. Then we wrote a setting description and our challenge was to include expanded noun phrases and adverbs.

The blue, shimmering river was calm under the red, hot sun. Jamina splashed happily in the cool river. 

During PSHE we created mind maps and posters about road safety. 
"At traffic lights the red man means stop and wait." Kara
" When you cross the road you need to hold an adults hand." Charlotte
" You should always look left and right before crossing a road." Theo.

Congratulations to Ciara who will be taking home Snowy our learning owl. This week Ciara took the time to teach another friend in Chestnut Class how to skip.

Well done to Edrich for being a kind and caring friend. 

Friday 3 March 2017

Book Week and Maths Problem Solving Week. Week ending: 3.3.17

What a busy week we have had!

It has been great fun celebrating Book Week! Our focus has been fantasy so we designed our own fantasy settings and made a character head band. We then became authors as we wrote our own fantasy stories.

On Wednesday we went over the the Juniors and met the author Jeremy Strong. He was very funny and told us how he gets his ideas for his story writing. He writes his stories in his shed at the bottom of his garden.

For Maths Problem Solving Week we have been focusing on multiplication. We have used arrays and mental calculations to help us problem solve. We have spoken lots about using the most efficient strategy for us. 

Multiplication can be done in any order, this means it is commutative. 

For example:

3 x 5 = 15
5 x 3 = 15

An array for 5 x 3 would look like this


In Science we tested and timed how long it took different sized parachutes to reach the ground. We recorded our data in a table. 

Congratulations to Leyton who will be spending the weekend with Snowy our Learning Owl. Leyton always has a positive attitude towards his learning and is eager to challenge himself. 

Well done to Oliver.C who is our Star of the Week for taking responsibility for his learning. 

Don't forget to let your class teacher know if your grown ups will be attending Curriculum Hour on Tuesday evening 7.30 - 8.30.

Home Learning- research the history of the push bike. Record in your own way. 

Have a good weekend!