Thursday 24 March 2016

Easter Weekend. Week Ending: 24.3.16


This week in Science we have been learning about our teeth. In our mouth we have different sets of teeth. They are called molars, pre-molars, canines and incisors. Can you remember the jobs of the different teeth?

We had great fun watching the Year 1 performance of Rise and Shine. Well done everyone in Year 1!

During Computing we were learning how to copy and paste a graph from Excel into Microsoft Word. You can right click on the image and select copy or you can press the buttons ctrl and C.
To paste you right click and select paste or you can press the buttons ctrl and V.

In PSHE we spoke about the words 'impulsive' and 'thoughtful'. We discussed different scenarios and how we should always stop and think before we act. 

Well done to Eliza who is our Star of the Week for her kind and caring behaviour. Eliza is a also a helpful talk partner. 

Don't forget to practise your words for our sharing assembly next Friday and also practise the poem The Ning Nang Nong.

Home Learning is to create a poster explaining how to look after your teeth.

Next Friday school finishes at 1:30pm. 

We hope you all enjoy your Easter weekend!

Chestnut Class

Friday 18 March 2016

Sponsored Run. Week Ending: 18.3.16


Today at school we raised money for Sports Relief by coming into school in our sports clothes. We also took part in a sponsored run around the school. It was great fun and we have raised lots of money! Thank you to our Class Governor Mr Allen for sponsoring everyone in Chestnut Class.

Congratulations to Lauren who is going to spend the weekend with Swoop our Learning Owl. Lauren has been coming into school with a lovely smile every day.

Well done to Lara who is our Star of the Week. Lara listens to instructions well and is a brilliant talk partner.

In Creative Writing we wrote our own space adventure stories. We wrote stories, letters and diary entries.

In Topic we have been learning about bones and our skeletons. “When you grow your bones grow with you” Eliza. “Your smallest bone is in your ear” Jasmine.

This week we finished off our non- chronological reports on space. We challenged ourselves to include a front cover, contents page, use sub-headings and finish with a glossary or an index page.

Yesterday afternoon we spent time down at Forest School in the glorious sunshine.  We took small world animals down and created dens for them. We also created Easter nests and measured the length and circumference of different tree trunks and sticks.

Well done to Marley and Amelie who performed in a special music assembly this afternoon.

Home Learning next week is to record signs of spring in your local area.  

Chestnut Class

Friday 11 March 2016

Living Things and Non- Living Things. Week Ending: 11.3.16


In Science we have been learning about the digestive system. Did you know that food stays in your body for 24 hours? We discovered how food travels through the body and what happens along the way.

This week in Maths we have been using our measuring skills. We measured the length of different objects in the classroom using a ruler and a metre stick. Then we used the scales to measure the weight of different objects. There are 100cm in 1 metre and 10 millimetres in 1 cm. There are 1000g in 1 kilogram.

We have started to write our own non-chronological reports about space. So far we have written and designed our front cover and also we have recorded the introduction. Next week we will be carrying on with these and we will be adding some sub-headings.

Yesterday afternoon we took part in a pedestrian workshop which taught us to look both sides of the road before crossing. When there are three junctions that is called a T-junction. 

In Topic we researched living and non-living things. A living thing can move, breathe, eat, reproduce and grow. 

Congratulations to Marley who will be spending the weekend with Swoop our Learning Owl. Marley demonstrated lovely caring and sharing whilst out on the playground.

Well done to Margarita who is our Star of the Week for being a fantastic talk partner with others. 

Home Learning next week is to practise spelling the days of the week and the months of the year.

Don't forget there are parent consultations on Wednesday (16th) and Thursday (17th) March after school. We look forward to seeing you there. 

Have a lovely weekend.
Chestnut Class

Friday 4 March 2016

Book Week. Week Ending: 4.3.16


This week we have had an amazing time celebrating Book Week. We have taken part in 12 stop and reads. Well done to Maple Class who achieved the most stop and reads over the week.

We also created our own poems. We listened to the poem The Ning Nang Nong. Then we came up with our own nonsense poems. These were very funny and silly!

Prof. Pango Mango came into school and he performed a variety of fantastic poems to us. Some of them were nonsense poems and we joined in with actions and props!

Some of us visited the Juniors and some of the Juniors came over to Chestnut Class. We all read 'The Rainforest Grew All Around'. Then after this we took part in some art activities and also we created some calligrams and acrostic poems about rainforest animals.

Today we dressed up as a book character and then in Creative Writing we included our book characters within our stories.

This afternoon there was a whole school stop and read. It has been lovely to celebrate lots of different books this week. Don't forget to record any reading you do at home into your reading record and ask a grown up to sign it after reading to them.

Money has been our focus within Maths this week. We have been exploring different ways to create an amount and we have also been using our empty number line and partitioning skills.

Home Learning this week is to research the digestive system as we will be learning about this in Science next week.

Well done to Eoghan who is our Star of the Week for his fantastic concentrating skills during his sewing.

Swoop our Learning Owl is going to spend the weekend with Jasmine because Jasmine showed great perseverance when she found an activity challenging. Well done, we hope you have a lovely weekend!

What a busy week we have had, we hope you all enjoyed yourselves!

Enjoy the weekend,

Chestnut Class