Friday 24 February 2017

Trip to Waddesdon Manor


This week, we went to Waddesdon Manor for our fantastic school trip. It linked to our Kaleidoscope topic because we were looking for patterns and colours in nature.
I liked seeing the birds because we heard them speak and could see how pretty they are - Lexi
I enjoyed the activities we did especially colouring in pictures that told the stories of Sleeping Beauty - Leyton
I found out that they have to keep the rooms in the house dark so the colours don't fade away - Hollie

In English, we have been learning about recounts. We looked at some to identify the different features of a recount.
They have an introduction and a concluding paragraph - Holly
You need to use the "Five Ws", what, when, who, where, why - Simeon
We use time conjunctions like first, next and finally - Olivia
We used these skills to write a recount of our trip.

In maths, we have been adding and subtracting 1 and 10 to different numbers. Some of us used Diennes and some of us were trying to do it mentally.

In topic, we were comparing Antarctica and the desert.
There are more animals in Antarctica - Sharon
The desert is the hottest place in the world - Trudie
Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth - Oliver
In the desert, there are spiders, camels, lions and lizards - Ollie
Camels have 2 layers of eyelashes to keep the sand out - Charlotte

This week, Kara has got the Star Award for being kind and caring to others. Well done, Kara.

Well done to Alex for being our Learning Owl this week. He has shown independence and really challenged himself when he wrote his recount. Have a great weekend with Snowy, Alex!

Next week is Book Week...

Thursday 9 February 2017

Safer Internet Day. Week Ending: 9.02.17

In Maths we have been learning about data.  We created our own tally chart and bar charts to show our favourite colours.  We used the computers to create our bar charts.

Tuesday was Safer Internet Day.  We discussed how to stay safe online.  We have learnt not to share any personal information online and to talk to an adult if we see something that makes us feel uncomfortable.  We designed our own ‘Stay Safe Online’ posters.

Yesterday, we took a walk to St. Mary’s Church.  We saw Rev. Will and Rev. Tim.  They told us all about St. Mary’s Church and what they do.  We learnt that the church is the oldest building in Redbourn and it is 907 years old.  Rev Will also explained to us that the stained glass windows tell a story.  One of them has Saint Alban in the window.

In Topic we have been creating our own weather chart for the week.  Every morning this week, we have checked the internet for the weather forecast and completed our own charts.  We have seen a forecast that it may snow in Redbourn on Saturday!

Finally, we wrote our own stories in Creative Writing.  We used props to help us plan our stories – a cape, a key, a box and a crown.
Well done to Joshua this week for getting Star of the week for his risk taking and positive attitude.

We are looking forward to having a break over this half term, 

Friday 3 February 2017

NSPCC Number Day. Week Ending: 03.02.17

Today we came to school wearing a number because it is NSPCC number day. We have been using our problem solving skills. Take a look at some of our photos. 

This week during our English learning we have been coming up with adjectives and expanded noun phrases to describe colours. We thought about different colours and used these within a poem. We came up with this poem as a class. 

Red is like a hot, blazing sunset.
Red smells like burning fire.
Red is for lava.

Blue looks like the wide, dark sea.
Blue is like an ice cube melting on a plate.
Blue tastes like a big, juicy blueberry.

Yellow feels like the burning, warm sun.
Yellow is the custard on my crumble.
Yellow is the sound of buzzing, bumble bees.

In Topic this week we have been thinking about the weather. We discussed what a weather chart needed to include so that next week we can record the weather and the temperature in Redbourn. 

Home Learning this week is to collect data on a topic of your choice, like favourite sport / colour or animal. Then use that data to create a tally chart / bar graph or pictograph. This will help you as next week in maths we will be learning how to read statistics and data.

Well done to Charlotte who is our Star of the Week for being a supportive talk partner. Charlotte has demonstrated fantastic communication skills.

This weekend Snowy will be going home with Holly because Holly has impressed Snowy with her independence and risk taking skills.

Next Wednesday Year 2 will be walking down to St. Mary's church to find out about why a church is a special place for Christians. Please make sure your child has a warm coat to wear that day. 

Don't forget tonight is the school disco! 

See you there!