Friday 26 February 2016

First Week Back. Week Ending: 26.2.16


We have been busy practising our sewing skills this week in Topic.

In English we have been reading a variety of different poems about space. Some of the poems included: rhyming words, onomatopoeias, alliteration, similes and verses. 
Our Home Learning this week is to read some poems and to discuss what we like about them. Can you come up with your own poem?

In Maths we have been using our time vocabulary. We have been focusing on o'clock, half past and quarter past / to the hour. 

We had great fun on Tuesday taking part in the Moondust on my Socks Workshop. "I enjoyed making the rocket card" William. "My favourite part was when we listened to the space story." Eleni " I liked it when we created a circuit." Millie

This week we went outside to practise our Tennis skills. We challenged ourselves to pass the ball to our partner during a rally. 

This week it was our first time using the maypole. We learnt a dance called the Barbour's Pole and we had a great time. we cannot wait to learn some more maypole dances. 

Congratulations to Lauren who is our Star of the Week. Lauren has come into school this week with a big smile!

Well done to Finn who will be spending the weekend with our Learning Owl Swoop. Finn has shown excellent team work skills as he was a really good partner. 

Next week is Book Week and we will be focusing on poetry. We will be taking part in lots of stop and reads. On Friday you can come into school dressed up as a book character.

Window walling will also start at school next week. On Monday Chestnut Class need to be dropped off and collected from Tree Tops Class- the mobile classroom near the playground. Then on Tuesday Chestnut Class need to enter school through the doors near the playground and come through the hall into Chestnut Class.  

We hope you have a good weekend.

Friday 12 February 2016

The Chestnut Class Winners! Week Ending: 12.2.16


Chestnut have been working so hard this week we were very proud in assembly today! We were awarded the golden broom for having the tidiest classroom. We also won the golden bell for lining up brilliantly in the hall for lunch. Then we were  awarded Buster's walk challenge as we were the most improved class. After that we were awarded the golden boots for walking to school. Finally Miss Hoad won the golden plug for turning off the lights and computers to save electricity at the end of each day.

This morning in Creative Writing we wrote a story of our choice. We tried to include noun phrases, punctuation, repeated phrases and story language.

We had great fun in Games this week. We revisited how to use our forehand when hitting the ball. Then we learned how to hit the ball using a backhand movement. 

We have become experts at creating maps. This week in Topic we designed a map from a birds eye view perspective. We created maps of Chestnut Class, the hall, our gardens or a room in our house. 

In Maths we have been continuing to multiply. This week we had a go at using repeated addition and an empty number line to help us solve problems. 

We completed our Singing in the Rain dance routine this week. We enjoyed using our imagination as we jumped in lots of puddles!

Congratulations to William who is our Star of the Week. William always challenges himself and words hard. Great job!

Swoop is going to have a rest over half term. He cannot wait to hear what we all get up to!

Home Learning is to use your maths time vocabulary to practise saying and reading the time. There is also a Redbourn Fun Run half term challenge to design a flag for the race.

We hope you all have a lovely half term. Make sure you get lots of rest and stay safe!

Friday 5 February 2016

NSPCC Number Day. Week Ending: 5.2.16


Today we came into school in non-uniform wearing a number because it is NSPCC Number Day. We have been busying exploring numbers and creating number sentences.

This week in Maths we have been using different strategies to answer multiplication number sentences. We used an array and repeated addition. 

5 x 3 = 15

5 + 5 + 5 = 15




In Science we have been investigating materials and their properties. Miss Hoad's umbrella ripped so we tested lots of different materials to discover which ones were waterproof and flexible so we could repair it. 

It was great fun visiting St Mary's Church to learn more about special places. We asked Rev Will about his role at the church and how Christians use the church. We also spent time creating some observational drawings. 

We became authors in English this week as we created our own stories inspired by the story 'The Blue Coat.' 

Home Learning this week is to go for a walk with your family, then create a map of your walk from a birds eye view perspective. Can you challenge yourself to include a key? 

Congratulations to Eleni who is our star of the week. Eleni has persevered with her maths learning this week. 

Swoop will be spending the weekend with Nikos as Nikos has been trying really hard with his learning and has been using the resources around him to take his learning forwards. Well done!

Don't forget it is the school disco this evening.

Have a great weekend!