Friday 19 May 2017

Percy the park keeper fun! Week Ending: 19.5.17


This week we have been showing off our maths skills by answering lots of different questions in our own special booklets. 

Today during PSHE we did a germ experiment. We placed glitter on our hands then we gave our friend a high five to see how easily germs can spread. It is important to wash your hands before you eat, after you have been to the toilet and after playing outside. 

In English we wrote a character description plan and a character description about Percy the park keeper. 
Percy wears big, black boots when he is outside playing in the puddles. He is kind and gentle to the animals as when they are hurt he looks after them. 

During computing we used the programme Microsoft Excel to input data about the suspects linked to the missing cake. Then we sent a class email to Mrs McLellan explaining who we thought it might be. 

Well done to Olly who is Star of the Week for making good choices. Congratulations to Theo who will be spending the weekend with Snowy our Learning Owl for being a great team player. 

Have a good weekend.

Chestnut Class

1 comment:

  1. I am really impressed Chestnut class with how you have learnt your May pole dancing.
